Some evenings it hits you a little harder than others... Tonight was one of those nights where you realize how much people mean to you. We definitely do not have any time for social visits during our classes... SWS is pretty business business while in classes working hard on all our techniques and dances.... however, tonight on our dinner break I had the opportunity to chat with some of my senior students.
I truly feel very fortunate to have such amazing and caring young people with us in our studio. I had such a wonderful time chatting and listening to them. They are so dedicated to their craft, have great sense of humors and are so very respectful towards others.
My husband and I have been instructors in this business about fifteen years now and we have seen many students come in and out of our lives. But I have to say students that we seem to draw into our studio are some of the most respectful, dedicated, hardworking and caring individuals we have had the pleasure of meeting.
If someone is injured they care, they check up, they calm them down by letting them know it will be ok and they will get through it. If someone is lost in a class or missing due to sickness, they are there for them in any way they can be, including coming in extra hours to help their friends out. If someone is new we have seen our students time and time again take them in with welcoming arms and make them feel right at home.
Yes a lot of this team work is instilled by our incredible faculty however Kyal told me a chinese proverb that is very suiting...
"A teacher can open a door but you must enter yourself." Without having the students make the choices to be these kinds of people it wouldn't happen.
Tonight as I listened to our students talk with eachother I was not just proud of them as dancers but so proud of them for the people they are becoming. I couldn't imagine my life without them. Our students truly make our worlds go round.
Seen here in the image is our senior class during our Secret Santa December 2009.
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