The entire faculty want to congratulate Miss Emma Reilly for having PERFECT ATTENDANCE this season! Just this past season in June 2008-2009 Emma Reilly was presented the award for Most Improved Junior and it is no surprise that she has continued to make tremendous progress as she NEVER misses class!
Every class that a student has to miss due to sickness, injury etc can set a student back. As students all over continue to take class and get stronger a student who misses class misses the opportunity to improve. Of course everyone understands that people get sick and injured and this is a part of life... but we hope students learn to take good care of themselves by washing their hands, warming up properly, wearing their coats when it's cold out etc, to prevent sickness/injury and the amount of times they must miss class.
Take care of yourselves students! The more classes you take the better you will be!
All pics of students along with their names are given the permission of the parents before doing so. SWS will not post pics with clear visions of students faces along with their name due to saftey and privacey reasons.