Hello there everyone! Many students from SWS and other studios wish to become dancers, teachers and even studio owners themselves one day.. and many of them have asked what a regular day is like for someone in our profession. This blog and others will allow those who have those types of questions the insight into our day and profession. If you would like more info about our program do keep checking back as this blog site will include the Artistic Directors daily work and thoughts as well as program info and updates from the studio itself. In the meantime if the blog does not have the information you are looking for you can always check our website at www.stepwithstyle.ca or give us a call (905) 723-1133
You dream you are at your showcase and the lights won't work or the music goes wrong... then you wake up yikes.. you think that better not happen. Hmm change of thought.. did I change that part of the dance to the choreo I wanted? I'll have to do that tonight...
The dog goes crazy because the mail man is at the door with another costume package. Go to the door grab your blackberry.. yup another 25 e mails to answer before breakfast.. schedule questions, schedule requests, costume questions, seamstress needs time with students, lighting questions for recital, did you burn that cd for us yet? think about March Break Schedule and the list goes on.
Call the insurance company get the insurance papers needed sent to the theatre.. grab some cereal.. usually something full of sugar like Nestlie Quick or Captain Crunch.. silly for a 30 year old to eat like this but hey we all have weakness lol.
Let Lady out, ask Sasha when he'll be back from hockey, put away cereal bowl,
Do the banking, do the paperwork, pay the bills, think about March Break schedule some more. Usually there would be choreography to do but we are at that time of year when routines are finished!!!! YAY leaving a little time for me during the day to think about the Nursery what colour to paint, if I'll be a good mom etc.., clean the closets sweep the floors and do the things every family does, laundry, toilets and more.
Write approx 10 emails to the office manager about things she and I need to remember... think over March break schedule some more.
Eat something else... somewhere along the way throw in some bathroom time... maybe text a family member.. what are you doing this weekend they ask.. working I say... next topic. Faculty member texts they can't make a certain day need a sub... find them a sub.
Go to the studio ask the office manager what the problems are for the day.. solve the problems. Teach a few classes- which feels like doing jumping jacks for an hour straight while talking. Did they understand the correction, does this part of the dance work, does that spacing look right, whose arm is late there, feet feet feet knees knees knees... all eyes peeled at all times on absolutely everyone for the entire time you are in the room.. because that's your job... to see everything and prevent bad habits.. no pressure... between classes visit office manager for any issues that need to be tended to (usually includes sorting who is doing what dance at the recital, in what costume, and how are the programs coming etc etc)
At the end of the teaching day pick up at least 20 waterbottles from kids who left them behind. Restock the bathrooms, collect lost and found, put away chairs, put away music, recharge I pod for tomorrow, remind Sasha to feed the fish,
Go home straight to the office while Sasha cooks and I deal with all e mails sent by the office manager during the evening with items to be tended to the following day... work on the networking facebook twitter and blogging! Eat watch some CSI or Criminal Minds with Sasha..Lay down... and notice... hmmmmmm someone is kicking me.... that's awesome!
Thats an average day.
ReplyDeleteYep, sounds like the average day for any business owner. Wait until you have children...it doesn't get any easier.
ReplyDeleteAGREED anyone who runs their own business works 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. It's on your mind at all times! .. and I know ..I keep telling my clients I have no idea who they do it..kids and work fulltime.. but we are about to find out!
ReplyDeleteHello there everyone! Many students from SWS and other studios wish to become dancers, teachers and even studio owners themselves one day.. and many of them have asked what a regular day is like for someone in our profession. This blog and others will allow those who have those types of questions the insight into our day and profession. If you would like more info about our program do keep checking back as this blog site will include the Artistic Directors daily work and thoughts as well as program info and updates from the studio itself. In the meantime if the blog does not have the information you are looking for you can always check our website at www.stepwithstyle.ca or give us a call (905) 723-1133