What Sets Us Apart

SWS offers dance programs competitive and recreational unlike any other dance studio in the city! SWS has a triple threat performing arts program with classes in dance vocal as well as drama! Step with Style is rapidly becoming known as the strongest studio in the area that truly develops the most well-rounded dancer. We welcome all questions. To book your appointment with an Artistic Director call (905) 723 1133.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Showcase Around The Corner!

With March slowly closing in on us, its definitely time to be looking toward the Competitive Showcase. Each year we take the majority of our competitive routines and put them onstage for a rehearsal before the dancers head off to competition and this year is no different. March 19th at 2:00 pm we will be at the Bowmanville Highschool putting on a show like none other! We are extremely excited this year to have some killer routines to show everyone! For ticket information please contact the studio at 905-723-1133. Tickets are $15.00 per person, and will be available until that day and at the door! Seats are not assigned, and are seated on a first come first seated basis. We look forward to seeing everyone there!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Hey there! I'm Carly Almon, I am not only a senior student here at Step With Style Dance Productions, I also have the priviledge this year of completing a co-op placement at the studio. This is great because I can give you the inside scoop on what is going on at SWS!

This time of year, everyone at the studio is extremely busy working long hours to ensure they have the best out come for their routines. All SWS's dances routines for 2011 are very exciting, original and creative- thanks to the amazing Faculty at SWS! As a senior dancer I can tell you that the entire team is very excited for another successful competition season. Everyone that is apart of SWS knows a successful year comes with working hard and being committed to your team! I have been at Step with Style since it opened and am proud to say Step With Style is like a second home to me everyone else who dances on our team.

I'll be updating the blog more and more to keep everyone updated! So check it out more often to hear more about all the exciting news that's going on at SWS!