What Sets Us Apart

SWS offers dance programs competitive and recreational unlike any other dance studio in the city! SWS has a triple threat performing arts program with classes in dance vocal as well as drama! Step with Style is rapidly becoming known as the strongest studio in the area that truly develops the most well-rounded dancer. We welcome all questions. To book your appointment with an Artistic Director call (905) 723 1133.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


What a great summer we had! Promotional shows, open classes, Tamara leaving for her first contract, Cedar Park studio adventure, studio BBQ's & pool parties, summer intensive AND little Mya Grace came!! What a GREAT summer SWS had!

As we wish our graduates goodbye we look forward to the new season ahead! Sooooooooo many new faces have joined SWS this season! We are proud to say that Step with Style's competitive team is bigger than ever this season! -Proving that when parents & students come and see what its like for themselves more and more are making the decision to join! Our instructors are raring to go with choreography and ideas for this season and we will begin SOON!

Our recreational team is growing larger each week as parents and students do their research to find the school that best suits them.

This season our recreational team is having their very own themed recital performance on a friday leaving the weekend FREE! Our recreational students recieve more stage time for less! Each student recieves stage time doing our recreational finale piece as well as their group routine allowing parents to enjoy their children performing MORE!

Registration is still going on for all who are interested!

Mon-Thurs 5-9pm at #871 Wilson Rd South

905 723 1133

Friday, September 17, 2010


Step with Style wants to wish every dance studio out there a great season!!
There are so many of us now and we all have much to offer and are so very diifferent. We hope all families find the dance studio that best suits their needs. All the best for 2010-2011!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


It's hard for parents without a dance backround to know which dance studio is right for their family....

How do you choose? With so many studios out there how can a family make sure they are choosing the right school for them?? Especially when many of the advertisements say the same thing...

Our advice to ALL families out there trying to find a great studio for their children is: GO and see the results the schools produce by visiting the directors, viewing a class, see their year end show DVD or better yet go and view the year end show for ALL of the schools in your area!!! This is the BEST way to know what the studio is about and what their results are... any school can say they have been number one for x amount of years, or that they have amazing faculty, the only way you will truly know what studio is best is if you go and see for yourself. Never take the ads you see at face value. Unfortunately people can write whatever they wish and twist words to make them sound like they are better than they are.

Watch out for studios that are huge... class sizes are too big and students can become overlooked (just a number) in the classroom rather than a person.

Watch out for schools that combine recreational and competitive together and say that you are recieving great training. Too many levels in a class equals chaos.

When a studio says you can have unlimmitted classes... watch out.. it sounds wonderful but are you really getting great training? Half those classes have too many people in them and are combined levels.... Ask yourself what is the QUALITY you would get from this... in the end is the "great unlimmitted price" really that effective?

Every family is different. Each student needs and wants different things. Don't allow your children to be just a number. Get to know your Artistic Directors and instructors.

Good luck out there finding the studio that is best for you!

Step with Style is known as the best dance studio in Durham however we are a small studio. With 60-80 competitive members and approx 100 recreational each season our studio does not over fill classes and provides great training with the correct levels in a classroom. The quality of class and year end performances is excellent! We welcome you to attend our show this season! or even better come by and see our students in action!


Step with Styles students had an unbelievable time working with instructors such as Theresa Howard (Ballet Master From Alvin Aliey), tWitch (hip Hop extrodinaire and finalist from So You Think You Can Dance USA), Brandon Bryant (Professional Contemporary Dancer and finalist from So You Think You Can Dance USA), Stephen grueg from DaCosta Talent- the top agencey in Toronto for dancers, as well as many more!

The intensive included classes in all styles; ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, vocal, drama, hip-hop, audition and more! Students trained throughout the week and completed the session with an audition class with Stephen. We are proud to say several of our dancers have made it onto the Roaster with DaCosta Agencey!
Congratulations to the top dancers from the audition round!

11 and under
Sarah Mulder
Kayla Coatham
Shyla Davenport
Santana Welsh
TOP 3!
Kyal Rankine, Kiera Breaugh & Emma Reily

Thank you to all of our instructors for pulling so much out of our students in such a short time!
Thank you to all dancers who attended! You worked incredibly hard and we are so proud of you! We look forward to seeing you next season!